Intelligent Heating and Cooling Solutions®

当谈到您的舒适,我们先进的空气加热和冷却专业人员是专家. 我们的团队经过培训,认证,并随时准备照顾您的暖通空调需求. 我们卓越的客户全球最大的博彩平台是我们一切工作的核心.

先进空气专门为各种规模的建筑物配备 heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, indoor air quality IAQ products, tenant improvements (TI), and other services. 为您的员工和客户提供无与伦比的优质暖气和暖气 cooling services—contact us today!

Advanced Air是一家商业暖通空调承包商,专门从事价值工程设计和建造解决方案. 我们经验丰富的设计团队为各种办公室配置和租户改进(TI)提供全球最大的博彩平台。, and complies with current Oregon energy efficiency, building, and seismic code requirements.

Get reliable on-demand HVAC services from Advanced Air! Our team can install, maintain, repair, and service a variety of equipment, ensuring year-round comfort in your home or business. 今天预约高质量的全球最大的博彩平台和满意度!

一个保养得当的加热和冷却系统会使用更久,运作更有效率, saving you money. At Advanced Air, 我们的专业人员将检查和清洁您的系统,以帮助防止意外的昂贵维修. 预防性维护对设备的使用寿命起着至关重要的作用.

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Advanced Air Is the Intelligent Choice for Commercial
HVAC Maintenance and Repair in Medford, Oregon

暖通空调设备通常在工作最辛苦,你最需要它的时候发生故障:在极端天气事件期间. 设备故障对企业来说代价高昂,对员工、客户和租户来说也很不舒服.


“我们对Advanced Air感到非常满意,也非常感谢我们得到的全球最大的博彩平台. 我们岳母家的无管道系统会有滴水的问题. 因为埃里克和他熟练的观察和诊断问题, 他能够修复,并使它再次正常工作. We appreciate Angela, she assisted over the phone with scheduling the repair, and understanding our circumstances. She was very helpful in the service and cost of the repair. . 再次,我们感谢先进航空公司,因为他们带来了他们的
“A Game” to service and repair!”
- Fred A.

“罗布绝对是我们遇到的最不专业的人之一. 从每份出版物中,我发现每3个月更换一次炉过滤器是可以接受的. 他选择表现出最高程度的傲慢混蛋,并告诉我妻子我们需要每两周更换一次过滤器. His response was every house is different. 我们在2023年12月由Advanced Air安装了这个系统. 他更感兴趣的是争论过滤器的问题,而不是诊断漏水的问题. 我们有家人在这家公司工作,他们向全球最大的博彩平台技术人员提出了一些建议,罗布觉得有必要当着我妻子的面嘲笑他们,最重要的是,他正在培训一名新的全球最大的博彩平台技术人员. 当我们安装这个系统时,我们购买了保修,包括人工、全球最大的博彩平台和零件. 也许他需要接受再教育,才能成为更好的公司形象大使,而一些客户全球最大的博彩平台方面的教育对他来说可能有很长的路要走.”

- Scott L.

“我们的房子里灰尘太多,而且我们的管道系统也有问题. 我们给另外两家公司打了电话,他们很快就做出了反应,并提供了更换管道系统的估计费用, but never entered our crawl spaces. Dan came out from Advanced Air, got into the crawl space, 修复了两个断裂的连接处,并给我们提供了进一步步骤和维修的照片和选项. 现在我们的系统正常运转了,而最重要的是“不收费”!” Guess who does our maintenance from now on!”

- John T.

Your Community Is Our Community

Advanced Air actively engages in the southern Oregon community, 通过持续地为众多非营利组织贡献时间和资源来展示其承诺, such as Hearts with a Mission, Helping Hands International, The Dove, and True North Navigators. In addition to supporting these charitable entities, Advanced Air extends its generosity to local clubs, athletic teams, schools, and churches, 在整个地区培养团结和同情的精神.

Helping hands logo.
Hearts with a mission logo.

Who in Your Home Has Allergies?

Click here to learn more about our indoor air quality products.

Financing Available for Our Customers

先进空气为您的住宅供暖和制冷需求提供便利的融资. 我们灵活的融资解决方案*使您在俄勒冈州的家中升级暖通空调系统比以往任何时候都更容易. 告别前期成本,迎接更高的舒适度. Contact us today to learn more about our financing options!
*Subject to approved credit.


How Does Your Central Air Conditioner Cool Your Home? 从外面看房子的照片,前面有一个空调的特写.

How Does Your Central Air Conditioner Cool Your Home?

August 30, 2024

Aside from the professionals, like ours at Advanced Air, 谁会真正考虑空调及其部件?

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Summer Cooling Tips for Your Medford Home

Summer Cooling Tips for Your Medford Home

August 15, 2024

It’s summertime in Oregon. 高级航空公司的团队希望您能抽出时间与朋友和家人一起放松,享受阳光明媚的日子.

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Does An AC Kill Mold? 一只手戴着黄色橡胶防护手套,用超细纤维抹布擦拭蓝色墙壁或桌子.

Does an AC Kill Mold?

July 30, 2024

你的空调(AC)可以做很多事情——让你俄勒冈州家里的室内空气比室外温度低, help to keep indoor airborne allergens at bay, and help keep your home’s humidity low. But one thing it can’t do is kill mold.

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We Are a Bryant Factory
Authorized Dealer

在Advanced Air,我们全心全意地拥抱通向成功的原则. As a Bryant Factory Authorized Dealer, 我们理解坚定不移地致力于提供优质产品和全球最大的博彩平台的重要性. 我们对客户满意度的承诺和对卓越性能的坚定不移的追求使我们与众不同. 加入我们,亲身体验先进的空气差异!
Bryant logo.

Join a Fast and Growing
Team in Medford, OR

Are you ready to take your career to new heights? 加入Advanced Air大家庭,成为致力于卓越住宅和商业供暖和制冷全球最大的博彩平台的充满活力的团队的一员. 我们重视专业知识、团队合作和对客户满意度的承诺. With opportunities for growth, competitive compensation, and a supportive work environment, Advanced Air是提升您暖通空调职业生涯的理想场所. Join us today and let's make a difference together!

We Service All HVAC Brands!

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